با عرض سلام اینجانب دانشجوى كارشناسى مكانیك ساكن مشهد, فعالیت بنده در بخش معادن سنگ آهن سنگان میباشد چنانچه در بحث تجارت سنگ آهن با كشورهاى دیگر فعالیت میكنید من آماده همكارى هستم همچنین آماده اخذ نمایندگى فروش و بازاریابى ماشین آلات سنگین و معدنى ویا هر محصول دیگه اى كه از طرف شما پیشنهاد بشه هستم با تشكر . هاشم
Mechanical graduate student living in Mashhad
Hi I am a graduate student living in Mashhad mechanics, my work is in the Sangan iron ore mines in the iron ore trade discussions with countries other activities as well you I’m ready for sales and marketing of heavy machinery and mining Representation any product Villa other I suggest you put a hand in thanks. Hashem
Ready to cooperate, sales representative, hire a graduate student in Mechanical, Marketing, heavy machinery, iron ore trade with other countries, a graduate student in Mechanical, living in Mashhad, iron ore, expert mechanic, heavy equipment, mining, expert mechanics, advertising agency, marketing and sales staff